Still very taken by the new monitor I've set up, a 32" Samsung curved gaming monitor.
I know from now on all the straight lines I see will be curved, but who cares?
The gaming experience is truly immersive.
And every time I turn on the desktop, it's like I'm now part of my computer, so surreal.
I am a desk person, afterall.
On a related note, now that I sit very long hours in front of a screen, I indeed need to be out more and do some exericing.
Just had my first walk outside in the cold air after a very very very very filling hot pot lunch, and it felt great.
I will definitely do more of that! Maybe with a toque and scarf next time.
Ah Fan's Diary
Friday, November 29, 2024
Life changing things, literally, objects.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Sasuke Tango, Prius Prime 2024
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Thursday, November 23, 2023
At long last!!
Car in January 2024! Let's make this happen!!
I'm going to manifest this into reality!!! 👌👌👌
Monday, March 27, 2023
Saturday, February 4, 2023
今年的最惡劣男女獎 - 已有人領獎
今晚跟姐的一家吃飯, 本來輕鬆開心的圍爐, 突然被位於地球另一邊吃飽飯沒事做的堂哥 and 堂嫂連串電話打擾, 連我爸也理智線爆炸, 血壓飆升臉通紅.
經過激烈的長輩教訓後輩, 掛電話後就是熱辣辣的家族史大透露. JUICY!
結論是... 某些男人就是 M 屬性, 注定被強勢的女人支配一生. 這更令我堅決單身一人, 好好享受沒有束縛的人生! 感情 - 錢 - 權力, 三個令世人混亂的事物, 有夠煩.
掃興了與家人共聚的時光, 又延遲我今晚 Finale 的趕工, 還要在我忙的時候繼續 whatsapp 煩我把我夾在事件的中間. 幹! 真的吃飽沒事做.
明晚要多搓幾個湯圓吃壓壓驚, 然後 google 個打小人的作法去晦氣.
Sunday, July 10, 2022
I'm slowly settling into the music copying industry finally. Thanks to Larysa's connection to Counterpoint, I've been given a second work to copy by another composer from the publisher.
Somewhere down the road, I might just have to start investing into buying and learning Sibelius afresh.
But deep down, I just have this moaning distrust with the software and layout, so eventually I'll have to overcome this since Sibelius is equally used by musicians.
Hopefully I'm going to get more work and get my name across more publishers in the next couple years.
I do feel a lot more at ease working in print, like when I was working on plates and proofs with books at my sister's ex-company.