Friday, December 31, 2010

money talk

after a night-long research, i've decided to try out Porter Airlines with Daemon.
mainly because i have an audition the day right after Hyogo's.
$288 for a round trip, staying in HI Chicago for about $35 a night, commuting from Midway to and fro HI for roughly $5. adding on minimal food intake, i can budget at around $380 for the entire audition trip... this is for auditioning Hyogo in Chicago.
if i leave Feb 9, then i just have to stay one night. do the audition on the 10th, then head right back to Toronto for the New World audition on the 11th.
now i just have to book my flight before Jan 10 to get that 30% discount.

PC is really fucked. if i deposit more than $500 per day, only a portion would be available and the rest is on hold for 5 days.
now i gotta go to Loblaws to deposit the stupid cheque so i can pay my mastercard.
the release is not till a day after my mastercard bill is due. that's retarded!
fuck you, PC Financial!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

可以去 Chicago 了~

先要跟時間競賽, 因為要教學生.
開 email 見到 Hyogo 的... 只有 2 個結果. 1, 收. 2, 不收.
戰戰兢兢的開這個 email... 被收了~ yeah!
在吃東西的同時等著 expedia on hold. 最後成功幫阿母補好機票上的姓.

讀還沒有讀完的小新~ *淚*

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Even though the set up didn't work out, but I still wrote a friendly email to him.
It is Christmas afterall.
If he doesn't reply, then I guess even a friendship isn't worth it.

On a totally unrelated matter, it's always nice to get an email update of Geronimo's life.
He has such a lovable, friendly personality!
I don't think I've seen him since ScotiaFest, but it felt like yesterday when I just returned home.
Time sure passes fast.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

premonition of the dw xmas special?

Another weird dream last night.
This one is not so weird though, just sci-fi.
I was in this building that had these spectacularly humongous glass doors, but there was trouble brewing.
I was helping out in this wedding room and heard people screaming about these abnormal conditions outside.
So I went out and saw a lot of people fanning the doors - like opening and closing the doors to the maximum stretch.
I tried it for myself: when the doors are opened it looks like it's raining, once it gets really close and the doors are shut it turns into ice.
At the last occurrence it was tsunami waves turning into sand.
These door actually can't completely close, so if a huge wave really comes in, people would die.

Then scene changed to a mall.
I was at this booth returning this video I rented overseas.
The clerk made some terrible excuse and said he'll need to contact me for something.
Turns out he's trying to ask me out.
I was reluctant at first but then I gave in.
He was surprised I didn't say yes immediately because girls would usually ask him out boldly.
(The guy was Matt Smith, the actor who starred as the current Doctor Who.)
I told him that I'm a busy musician, classical. And he seemed impressed.

So I returned home (looked like my HK's apartment) and told my mum. She's like, stop being so obsessive about Doctor Who... I left home and went back to that glass building.
This time I knew something's coming for me.
To avoid any casualty, I went out the doors alone to greet this figure with my left hand held out. He formed into a godly (Greek style) figure and kissed my hand. He's here to take me away as his bride.
I told him I'm going out with Matt, so I don't want to go away with him. He got mad and I ran inside where Matt just arrived.
Then I woke up...

Why do most my dreams end in the middle??
So anti-climatic!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

series of related dreams

Last night I had a terrible series of dreams.
First I was venturing out in a familiar cold and iceberg filled shore when I found myself and a group of people escaping from something.
Then I was running around in some university campus and train stations looking for a girl. Yes, I was a guy in the entire sleep. The girl happened to be a vampire whom I've declined to be turned.
Later I was in such danger that she had to fly me home where I was resting in the elegant courtyard.
When I came to (I was knocked out before), I immediately had to hide from my mother and the housekeeper.
No, this dream mum didn't look anything like my real mum.
I somehow got into the house to one of my youngest sister's room. She woke up and was so happy to see me. I told her that I'll be going away for a while so I asked her to take care of other siblings for me, then I headed for the door.
And for some unknown reason, there's a peep hole on her bedroom door... I looked out - it was mother outside waiting for me.
I took a breath and confronted her. She told me to kill all my siblings as planned and handed me a pair of serrated scissors. I instantly dropped them on the floor and ran for the door.
I knew my mother will finish the job and then come after me, so I ran to a warehouse where I could find help. When I got there, it was empty.
Not long after, mother and housekeeper found me and I was mortally wounded. They took me into the car and told me they killed everyone to make a portion for me so I could permanently stay evil.
I sense the vampire girl knew I was in danger and was driving around to find me. So I stuck my bloody arm out the window to let her smell my presence.
I fainted before knowing the end... and good afternoon. I woke up at 2:30pm.

Android entry

First time using my new HTC Desire to blog!
This is nice. Although it would be better if there is a fully developed free app instead of through the browser.
The problem with a touch screen phone is that when I'm out on the street with gloves on, I can't answer a call without taking off my glove! Which, in this kind of weather, is a torture.

Still missing a gift or 2 here and there.
It's so hard to shop when there is no extra money in the bank.
I hope I'll get a job soon.

Apparently it's bad for rooster this coming rabbit year.
Gotta find out my counter charm.
Guess I'll be wearing my pendant with vervain inside a lot next year.

But it's not all bad.
Not too long ago today I just got an email from Hyogo that they have officially registered me for audition. That means my package arrived to the right department. Yay!
Let's keep those good vibes going!

Early nights from now.
Can't sleep at sunrise anymore...
Good night!

Friday, December 17, 2010

signs of goodness

1) 最先當然是我憂心以久的速遞, 已經到達日本的 office lady 的手中了!! *樂~*
2) 收到 New World 的 email, pass 了 prelim round, 可以去 live audition~ *勝利!* (^o^)Y
3) number porting 順利, 舊號碼配新電話! *暈了...*
4) 上個月幫爸在 warranty 期限前一天拿去 futureshop 修理的 printer 修不好, 下個星期等它回到店裡就可以 process exchange - 那就是選一部新的 printer! *unbelievable!*


Monday, December 13, 2010


星期日唯一開門的速遞只有 FedEx. 雖然真正運輸過程是星期一才開始...
其實它的國際速遞服務比我預期的還要便宜, 幫忙的 staff 也很友善.
可能以後我都用 FedEx 了.
不過失敗的是我竟然沒有發覺 woodbine/hwy 7 有一間 FedEx Office (@ Kinkos, 所以 24/7 的!).
匆忙的找就去了 yonge/eglinton 那間.
不過也蠻順利. 先到 dollarama 買 padded envelop, 然後人龍出現前極速付錢.
之後離 FedEx 門口 3 間舖位前的 yonge 街找到一千零一個停車位置, 然後看見前面那部車正在被人發告票 (原因是沒有 paid ticket).
妙的是其實那個 block 的 machine 壞了, 所以我到下個 block 的付, 逃過一劫!
到了 FedEx, 那個友善的 staff 告訴我原來只要 $68, 預計星期四 (16 號) 我的 application 就可以到日本. deadline 可是 20 號哦~
太多太多的幸運, 太多太多的感謝!
pinky 還是很酸痛. 不過真的很開心!

其實自己能在短短的 2 個星期內把 2 個 audition application 都完成是我最感恩的地方.
始終之前沒有錄過 video playing, 也很久沒有錄過 audio playing.
但是未雨綢繆, 還是要把 concerto 從新的錄過.
等 pinky 調養好後再去努力練好 Stamitz.
方便以後的 audition, 也方便灌錄過.
我會努力加油的! 請油價不要再這樣的瘋狂漲價下去! 感謝!!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


其實包青天在 6:30am 左右已經看完, 可是到一個小時以後的現在才去睡.
以往積來看, 可能我在逃避一個日子, 如今在拖延著 (感覺上) 每一天度過的速度.

1) 卡拉 ok! --- 去慶祝終於錄好了!!!! (≥▼≤)
2) 跟朋友們聚一下 --- 太久沒有社交生活了! 好掛念我的朋友!
(記得我的字典中 "朋友" 和 "friend" 的定義不一樣哦~)
3) 每天去做運動 --- 經過連續一週 3 天的 routine, 突然有恆心去運動了! 可是每天工作太累而鬆懈了...

任務完成... 一半...

終於錄好了! 今晚有很多的 discoveries.
先發現原來錄錯了 Brahms Haydn Variation 8! 要的是 7!!
等 Bobo 他們走了才錄過.
然後燒碟的時候發覺 Tchaikovsky 6 聽到 metronome 的跳聲 --- 畢竟 08 年錄的時候用的是不隔音 headphones. 然後用隔音 headphones 再錄 (這幾天都在用).
燒好後發覺原來我的 concerto 超走音. 不過我實在不想再錄音了.
我的 pinky 現在很痛. 這幾天我都不會練琴的了, 不然可能會把它弄傷.

明天去 dollar shop 買 packaging materials.
再去運輸公司格價, 看看誰可以用最便宜的價錢給我最快送過去日本.
好像 J town 有黑貓宅急便. 它網頁的價錢看起來最便, 但不知道是否可靠.....
還是花多 $20 用普通公司? choices, choices!

包青天好像下好了一半. 先看幾集來輕鬆一下~

Saturday, December 11, 2010

nearly there

spent the entire day recording.
now my pinky is in pain... yes, it's a bit over used...
i'm actually quite proud of it. it didn't whine until the last 3 hours and i've been recording all day, so that's a good 9 hours of work out.
so there's Tchaik 6 and Midsummer.
i'm thinking of re-using the old Tchaik recording, since it sounds much better than what i've been trying to do all day.
and Midsummer is just a bitch. i'll get it done tomorrow.
Don Juan is somewhat recorded. i didn't like it, but it's better than nothing.
the old one is missing C to D, simply can't use it.
now i better go rest my body before the last assault... i meant attempt.

Friday, December 10, 2010


幾經辛苦用 2 個小時錄的 4 個 excerpts 被我一按... 全部消失了...
都怪自己多手. 按一次 erase = erase 1 track, 按兩次 erase = erase all tracks...
應該看好 option screen 才 confirm 的我卻沒有.
不過卻要多謝自己多手. 不然我不會跑去換了整套線.
現在 Daemon 的聲音回來了, 我也不用折磨耳朵, 更好的是發覺之前因為舊線的啞音而把聲音都壓死了.
太好了! Daemon 有回音了~ 原來他的 C string 本來是這樣的!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


看著日子一天一天的接近, 我還是把新電話 order 了.
還好 internal site 裡面有 student plan. 可以收益一下那個 $55 全包套餐.
雖然要付 $10 activation fee, 可是送一張 $50 未來店 gift card~
希望新電話不會先自己 activate... 因為舊 contract 要到 15 號才完.
如果之前給我轉過去的話可要付 $100 罰款呢...
但我還是會很期待新電話的來臨 =)

Hyogo 那邊的 audition cd 還沒有灌錄. 明天起來要加把勁.
原來之前考 PMF 已經錄了 unaccompanied concerto, 找到了我才鬆一口氣.
現在只要錄下那幾個 except 就可以寄去日本了.
之前錄過的 except 都不是很見得光. 不錯的幾個卻不夠長.
反正要錄, 我就全部把它錄好了.
那以後就可以用新的. 希望會順利!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

last whine

why are coffee shops so cold in the winter?
maybe it's time they start considering to invest on a wind blocking door like an enclosed area at the entrance?
that would save so much heat (money in the end), and keep the customers nice and happy.
the longer a customer sit, the higher chance of ordering more stuff, isn't it?
both the Starbucks and the Williams Coffee Pub (WCP is where i'm currently sitting in now) are freezing cold.
WCP is a little better because it's a bigger place so i can situate myself away from the entrance, but it's still cold. i hear the vents are working, but no hot air is blowing in my face.
i kind of miss not being in the hostel. i would've saved a lot more food money and energy because i can take a nap in there before a concert.
with the hotel, i have to check out in the morning and spend the 6 hours between the dress rehearsal and concert wandering about town, feeling like a hermit.
oh well. this is my last run. just have to take it up the ass for a few more hours.
but before that - gas up in Ingersoll!

Friday, December 3, 2010

looking ahead

got my response from San Francisco Ballet.
i'm officially regarded as an under qualified musician who's too inexperienced for their liking. but if i still insist on auditioning, i can pay the deposit by the 20th.
"150 applicants and a lot of them have major orchestra experience", i paraphrased.
i guess they never thought about anyone faking their CV's, or people who play in non-major orchestras are complete idiots.
i'll spend a couple days to think and see if i want to spend that $400 to fly there for a 4-day vacation.
most likely not. need to save for Japan and other auditions in closer proximity.

plan went pretty well this week not spending a ton on shopping for myself.
bought 2 gifts and they're both under $20.
now there's 3 more to get before i'm done.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

job search

made the december 1 deadline for New World.
it got me very confused. the audition info page says the $50 cut off deadline is dec. 1, but when i go to the application page it turned into dec. 10.
dec. 1 would make more sense, since the increment to the next level should be half a month apart.
so dec. 1, then dec. 15, then jan. 5 would make sense.

i managed to do the last step (paypal $50) at the very last minute.
hopefully the application gone through. took me 4 tries to get the 33mb of video uploaded and i wasn't even sure if it's fully intact.
sent an email asking about the completeness of the application. hope someone will reply me in the morning.

i was so disappointed at dad's laptop.
it's a few years newer than my macbook, but the sound quality is just horrid.
can't believe my macbook's iMovie HD does a lot better with the sound.
i was worried at first because all the individual .mov are quite big in size. the solo one is especially large at 113mb. and the upload limit is apparently at 60mb, 1 file.
so i somehow made the clips into one mp4 file using the export function. finally got it under the 60mb limit (at 33mb).
my half day worth of recording yielded not too shabby results!

what surprised me most was the essay part.
i totally forgot about it. i remember Ann once told me about writing essays, but i didn't expect myself to BS all of it within 2 hours.
took me that much time because the first time i wrote 2 essays and it didn't save properly. stupid programmers.
word of advise - write and save the essays in a word processing programme first, NOT on the application page.

i'm glad that they have Toronto in the audition tour.
if i get accepted to the live audition, i don't have to travel far.
originally i didn't see Toronto as one of the locations, until i checked it off the application page. that'll save me some gas money driving to the states.
now i gotta find Brahms Sym. 3, which i think is the only excerpt that i don't have.

heading out to London for my last run there.
i'll be out of a job starting next week.
that should give me some time to practise for auditions.
and also make that audio recording for Hyogo.
HKPO is also hiring, but fuck them! they ask for the Bartok, which is the only concerto i haven't learned. what the fuck!