Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Being sick

Have been feeling like death since Saturday.

I'm sort of expecting something bad to happen when:
1) last Friday was steaming hot but I opened my window without a/c
2) ate some very bad Malay fried fish ball with hot sauce
3) ate some very badly done fried chicken from a Chinese fast food place
4) ate 2 pieces of durian
* I blame my mum for 2 & 3 since she bought those as part of dinner *

Then on top of that, a scaredy moment on Saturday.
We went to the Warsaw caves to hike, with only 5 hrs of sleep the night before, I had to drive back and forth the same day.
And there were LOTS of mosquitos.
I was bitten 5-6 times on my arms... and then at night these flu symptoms started creeping up.
The first thought that went through my head was: West Nile...
Barely lived through the weekend.

I still managed to teach one student Monday morning and had to throw in the towel for the rest of the day.
So I made an appointment for a not so great replacement doc since my doc is not available Tuesday.
And after a while I cancelled my students on Monday, I realize I could make the one and only available time for my doc.
Ended up seeing my doc and my diagnosis was a viral cold.
Such a relief!

Must've pumped a few gallons of water into my system for the past few days.

On a happier note, I did fix my glasses.
The ear piece was loose, so I thought I can just screw it back tight.
Turned out one of the supporting post was bent and it took a while to get the whole thing repaired.
I was very close to giving up and get a cheapie, which is not at all cheap.
My original plan was to wait till November when I'm back to HK and get a new pair there.