Thursday, November 22, 2012


台灣人真的很有善, 我這個呆呆的外國人問他們也很有耐性的解說。
很多很多的種種經歷都寫不完, 就算我的照相技術有多專業也不可能完全表達每個感覺。
就像在花蓮背包客棧裡同房的中國女孩讓我在墾丁的背包客棧再遇上, 在沙灘上被刺熱的南部太陽乾煎的身體, 再在電機車上吹著撲面而來的暖風, 去程時不知道夠不夠電池, 到現在台南的怪叔叔民宿八人舖就我一個人睡。
最辛苦的一段應該是上個星期, 重感冒加生理期雙管齊下, 我還以為會撐不住也讓我捱過來。
Like what I like to say all the time: home is where all my stuff is.
我做不回香港人, 做不到台灣人, 還是做加拿大人比較划算。
快要回家面對現實了... 在那之前, 我會好好的享受這段時光。

Yay, I think my chinese is getting better! =D

Thursday, November 1, 2012

counting down by hours

continuously in la la land...
or maybe i'm high from a few days of not sleeping enough and turning into an adrenaline machine.
that must be it... my right shoulder is so locked and sore that i couldn't even take off my shirt.
another night shift tonight.... coffee #2 is in.
maybe i'll have enough time to make another souvenir tonight.