Saturday, March 29, 2014

Going deaf

6th day of my half deafness.
The first 3 days my left ear felt like a mild congestion, the kind that you'd get from a blocked sinus.
Then 4th day and on ringing started.
Last night I finally went and got an over-the-counter kit to do an ear flush, which didn't work.
Did another flush today and still nothing.
Sleeping doesn't correct anything, maybe just restarted from a less muted version and worked its way back to complete muteness.
Yesterday's orchestra rehearsal was tough.  I kept hearing the winds play and my ear would ring semitones.
Pop music in the car was nicer, at least I can hear harmonies.
Tonight's rehearsal was a challenge too since it's chamber music so I'm completely exposed.
The receptionist at my GP's office couldn't fit me with a better time, so I'm stuck with next Monday morning.
I'm going to blame her if my left ear becomes permanently deaf.