Wednesday, March 31, 2010


是朋友就不要利用我. 既然知道了我的意願就不要再強逼.
你走你的陽關路, 我走我的獨木橋. 那樣子不就好了嗎?
其實過了那麼多年都沒有聯絡, 再次找我都知道你是為了找利益才想到我.
那... 你還算是一個朋友嗎?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

slave away

found a nice, no-shit recipe from cityline (again!) to make some granola bars to add to my healthy routine:

if this goes well, i'll make it into bite size to bring to orchestra rehearsals.
that should feed 50 people!

slim fast shakes are not filling!
i'm feeling hungry already... gotta pull through (T_T)...

had an interesting dream last night.
i was invited to play *cello* in a concert.
and i rocked.

Friday, March 26, 2010


tomorrow will be the first day to my new routine.
basically it's composed of me sleeping early and waking up early.
two 30 mins exercises per day, and 4 hour practise time on a free day.
tomorrow being a semi-free day, i'll have an easy start of a 2 hours practise instead.
also starting a reduced calorie intake diet with 2 Slim Fast meals and a normal meal.
this is my new audition mode routine. we'll see how it goes!

Monday, March 22, 2010

late happenings

i'm determined to quit the music school when the contract is up.
i'll need the time to restart my audition routine.
it'll be my 3rd time auditioning at London. funny how after all these auditions i still get to play in there.
must've done something impressive yet still not good enough.

all these late nights and constant driving is giving me lost memory.
yesterday in particular i could've killed someone on the road - i was driving at 130 while being under the influence of sleepiness. made it from London to home in 1 hrs 30 mins, which is normally a 2.5 hours drive!
how i stole 1 hour?
i have no idea.

finally got my book! (Waterfalls of Ontario)
now i have to thoroughly read it and then plan some solo hikes to check out those trails.
then i'll plan some family hikes that can involve all of us doing something healthy on a holiday.
have a concert in Peterborough in late April, maybe I'll do my first hike of the season there.
it is quite nice in the Kawartha Lakes.
can't wait! this summer is gonna be awesome with lots of good pictures, now that i've got my CPL filter!

what's happier than getting out of teaching in that fucking school?
i've got a jury duty notice on a MONDAY!
let's make it a 3 weeks case so i'll get 3 consecutive mondays off!!

still didn't get the massage that i granted myself.
after sleeping on the couch last night, my muscles miraculously feel much better.
maybe all i need is a couch rather than a bed in my room?
o yeah, still need to go check out those FatBoy bean bag chairs.
gotta go downtown for that.

after missing out from the Naruto and anime scene in general for over a year...
i'm finally resuming my downloads.
slowly for now.
got lots to burn on discs to clear out some space first.
not only this, there's a few series i have to catch up on too.
sigh... an addiction restarted.

alright. gotta pick up myself and go to that fucking music school.
hang in there... a few more months and i'm free!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


i've decided to go get a massage.
it's been a long while since my last one, so it's time to give myself a little bit of "reward".

i'm totally addicted to Lost in Blue 2.
but i'm getting better at turning the DS off and get my mind to something else.
i used to be so glued to it that i didn't realize i was playing for hours. of course, my arms would start to go numb and my butt felt like it's somewhere else.

got a healthy flow of emails going in asking about wedding prices.
still like more for this year though, it's not that well.
people are as cheap as always.

hopefully tomorrow will be a nice blue sky with some clouds.
i really want to experiment with that new CPL filter.
and it works best with blue skies and contrasting colours in the picture.
well, hard to find colours right now... most of everything is still, rather, brown.
maybe i'll go shoot some street views with the sky in it.

my face is now riddled with lots of breakouts.
i've been trying to figure out if they're from hormonal changes, or if i didn't clean off all the makeup properly.
maybe i should first try a new makeup remover, and at the same time sleep a little earlier.
ok, i'm sleeping now.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

here and there and everywhere

i now truly appreciate coming home after what felt like a long week of endless driving.
and especially after tonight's 3hr drive from London.
those moronic truck drivers should all be shot. they were in the center lane, create a huge amount of wind disturbance at crazy speed.
it was 80km/h wind speed with wet snow in the middle of the night.
dude, have some respect for other drivers.


happy to have finally got my circular polarizing filter! i couldn't find it cheaper than $52 after taxes anywhere else, so i bought it while i was in London.
well, i've been eyeing it for a long time, just didn't have the determination.
now i do!

Emilie told me about this place called Yoyo's Yogurt Bar.
it's a self-served "cafe" that lets u pull ur own frozen yogurt (real, yogurt) and add whatever toppings.
when u're done, u cash out and they just measure the weight of the cup with ur stuff for price.
(it's not that cheap, but it's fun.)
mine was fresh fruits + some kind of kashi crunch + caramel syrup + green tea yogurt.
it was alright. i mean... i was expecting a huge amount of green tea flavour, but it's very much watered down.
well, at least there's no gelatin in their yogurt!
and they list out the ingredients of each yogurt so u'll be more informed. i dig that. i think all chinese restaurants should do the same on every single fucking dish.

London's programme is pretty cool.
Glinka Russlan and Ludmila Overture
Tchaik Piano Concerto in a gazillion flats
Dvorak Sym 7

the pianist was simply AMAZING.
and she looks a whole lot like Cecilia with that short haircut. hmm....
and Dvorak 7. oh boy.
i just realized the house of ghosts in super mario brothers is oddly similar to the 4th movement.
find it out yourself:

gosh, my neck is killing me.
must've twisted something somewhere...
zzzzz i go.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

happiness comes with the sunshine

another random finding today.
i was looking for the mp3 file of the JC Bach Viola (Cello) Concerto in C- for my student.
after some twist and turns, I was about to give up and tell her to buy the Suzuki recording of it.
then i came across a Turkish website with the complete recording, AND a Hoffmeister recording for myself within that CD!!

i also found the 3rd movement of the JC Bach, which was missing from my Suzuki book.
wonder why they only include the first 2 movements in there?
probably too long to print and too hard to teach at Suzuki level 6?

anyway, i'm gonna try out the 3rd movement now and maybe try out the Waxman Carmen Fantasy later tonight.
i kept finding all these goodies, but no time to try them on!

random findings

today is babysitting wednesday.
went to take Nikki home from montessori, and we went shopping at the supermarket across the school.
my mum found and bought this bag of dried 草菇, which is SOOOOOO different than the canned ones.
imagine the soft canned version with an ever lingering scent of preservatives.
now imagine a fragrant mushroom like taste with a crunchy-chewing texture.
it's just sooooo different!

i also found this herb called 紅景天.
i think it's a part of the flower, Rhodiola. it works almost like ginseng, except not so expensive and in depth.
it's anti-inflammatory and also helps to lower blood pressure.
that's just what i found by googling.
now i'm gonna go look it up on my 本草綱目 while i whiten my teeth, getting ready to bed.
good night!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

locked out

did i mention last monday i got locked out of the music school in Woodbridge?
it was the day with the heavy snowfall.
apparently they had a sign at the door saying they'll be closed at 7:30pm, but i missed it when i arrived because they had the door opened for ventilation. the sign was on the other side of that door.
oh ya, and the inside was renovating, so it was all toxically dusty. thus, the open door.
i had the last student at 8:30pm, so i went out for a juicy Wendy's fish burger combo.
for some reason, i decided went back to the school at 8pm after the fries are eaten so i could enjoy the burger in the school.
that's when i saw the pitch black school with no lights and a locked door....
with my stuff inside...
fortunately the 2 receptionists were still in the parking lot, they just done digging out their cars.
i blanked out at the door looking at the missed sign when one of the receptionists honked at me.
the other came out of her car and unlocked the door for me to get my stuff.

apparently the receptionist marked my last student as cancelled, but i didn't look at it when i head out to Wendy's for dinner.
what a day!