Thursday, March 4, 2010

random findings

today is babysitting wednesday.
went to take Nikki home from montessori, and we went shopping at the supermarket across the school.
my mum found and bought this bag of dried 草菇, which is SOOOOOO different than the canned ones.
imagine the soft canned version with an ever lingering scent of preservatives.
now imagine a fragrant mushroom like taste with a crunchy-chewing texture.
it's just sooooo different!

i also found this herb called 紅景天.
i think it's a part of the flower, Rhodiola. it works almost like ginseng, except not so expensive and in depth.
it's anti-inflammatory and also helps to lower blood pressure.
that's just what i found by googling.
now i'm gonna go look it up on my 本草綱目 while i whiten my teeth, getting ready to bed.
good night!

1 comment:

  1. When I was in Tibet they sell 紅景天 for helping you to cope with altitude changes.
