Friday, August 20, 2010

learning about myself

so i got the bottle cage and the lights.
they're not the best in the world, but they work.
however, the seat bag didn't. it's too big.
i'm bringing it back tomorrow to maybe get a refund or exchange for a smaller one.
we'll see.

finally caught up with all Fringe episodes.
now i'm just eagerly waiting for season 3 to come out!
it's such a fantastic show! Joshua Jackson is SO CUTE~

i think the revelation was that dream with all the chicken in there.
my subconscious must be craving meat in the system. so i'm gonna satisfy it after the one year mark of lacto-ovo-pescetarianism.
it is real hard to keep on the diet. actually, not hard for me, i just need to read all the ingredients and ask my servers.
but it is hard for the people around me, like my family and the cooks who make my meals. gotta admit, those chinese restaurant chefs and workers must have no respect for other people's beliefs.
so to make things easier, i'm gonna keep the option open by letting meat in.
still hate to eat bovine. we'll see how that goes. maybe i'll still stay away from it more.
having a no meat diet did make me feel healthier in body and mind. although the uncontrollable desire to have lots of carbs, sugar and fried food kept my weight pretty high still.

also started to realize one thing.
i don't consume a lot of alcohol because of the intolerance, but i do sleep really late.
and the connection is that when i sleep late, i get the same effects of being intoxicated.
so when i'm stressed, unhappy, or unsatisfied in life i would sleep late.
get very burnt out to a point that i would fall asleep right away.
at the same time, i'm building up a tolerance level of staying awake physically and mentally, so it takes longer and more time to burn me out to sleep.
i haven't been able to make this connection until this week, when i kept passing by LCBO and not going in to buy alcohol. (aside from the very fact that i'm totally broke.)

it's great to make all these discoveries, but horrifying at the same time... knowing how much i'll have to change.
1/3 life crisis?

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