Thursday, September 23, 2010


it's that time again...
time to get a new cell phone.
it has been a wonderful 3 years with my current k810i, but i need a smarter one now.
in between the Motorola Backflip ($400) and HTC Desire ($450).
$50 price difference, with the Desire being more slick and more loaded with features.
however, i do like the physical keyboard of the Backflip. and Motorola does run quite fast based on my previous experiences.
Telus has both, but locked.
i'm gonna go touch them when i'm in Fairview tomorrow! XD
maybe Alberto can get a cheaper unlocked one for me from HK/Macau?

so nice to be able to not think about prepping gig music for sunday, since it's not my own gig.
i think my brain likes it so much more now that i'm not teaching in that school on mondays.
nothing depressing to anticipate during the weekend, so i can truly enjoy my weekends even if i'm working.

now work.
just applied for the music library shelving job to get more regular income.
$12 for UT music library per hour, 5 hours minimum per week. not bad.
it is repetitive work, but at least i don't have to interact with people. =P
plus i could get some exercise.

anyway, finally no more thunders tonight. i can fall asleep easier!
let's hope i won't get that weird dream tonight.
last night it was fraud, advancements, and porn. XD