Monday, November 29, 2010

december nightmares

december is coming in awfully fast.
this is when reality hits me... time to pay the bills.
and i didn't have much income the past month, neither will i for the coming months.
still got a few gifts to get too. why do people have to get new places all at once?

worse comes to worst, i'll get a job at Starbucks.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


下午無聊看 blog, 才發現原來幾年前開始寫的故事已經 1 年多沒有更新.
然後更驚訝... 因為已經找不到故事大綱!
印象中的細節很模糊, 很多人物關係都忘記了.
不過還是很想寫下去... 可能下年 1 月再延續吧.

今晚的 Sinfonia 沒有預算中的差.
可能我的 EQ 高了, 忍受能力也提高了!
也可能昨晚睡多了, 所以腦袋比較清晰.
期待著明晚的 Rehearsal + Concert~ 很快就可以拿到工錢!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

開心日本 3 人遊

前幾天成交了機票. 現在是努力賺錢的時候...
畢竟 $4000 的旅費在現下沒有工作的情況乃是一個很重的負擔.
10 年前沒有機會真正的遊日本 - 在彩排和表演的時間表裡沒有太多的自由空間.
還是少些 "團友" 會比較容易掌握時間 + 行程.

3 月 9 日至 31 日. 3 個星期!
多倫多 -> 東京 ... 2 天
東京 (普通火車) -> 札幌 ... 1 天
札幌 (租車) -> 函館 -> 札幌 (還車) ... 5 天
札幌 (過夜火車) -> 大阪 ... 1 天
大阪 (租車) -> 京都 -> 名古屋 -> 富士 -> 伊豆 -> 東京 (還車) ... 6-7 天
東京遊 ... 5 天
東京 -> 多倫多 ... 2 天
還剩幾天 buffer days~

對... 很密, 很貴的行程...
所以要密密賺去花!!! XD
我想 3 個人去分擔旅費應該不會太貴 (起碼租車方面).
其實在我的預算中機票最貴, 然後是吃的...
在多倫多沒有很多地道的日本菜, 尤其是海鮮, 所以要用命去拼!
還好現在吃葷, 有較多的選擇.
回來會努力減肥的... i think.

我想 Barrie 那邊應該會談不成.
那我 1 月的 audition 好好考 (如果他讓我去考的話).
不過也沒有太擔憂, 反正路是上面舖好. 不能往外闖就在這邊混.
路走的不平坦我也不會太嘮叨, 反正急也急不來.
只要 pk 時不太傷就 ok! ;)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


之前在 London 的 Roots 付款買郵託, 今天終於送來了~~
我可愛而且減價的包包, 原來是 Made in Canada 的!
本來還以為是 Fabrique en Chine. heehee~
它在幾個當眼位都大大的寫 Made in Canada~ 太爽了.

這幾天都在找 90 年代看過的台劇. 真的非常非常懷念!
現在在下包青天 (93年). 以前都沒有完全看過全部單元.
這次可以好好的重溫 + 重頭看了!

回到 good routine.
現在去 ZZZZzzzz 了.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

xmas shopping in november

arriving at home 1am last night did throw me off my regular schedule.
but i did get gas at 104.5 in Ingersoll taking that small detour, when gas is 111.3 in Toronto!

woke up by mum this morning.
dad cut his pinky pretty bad from a small fiasco.
but still managed to get a 7 hour sleep considering i slept at 4am last night.
stopped the bleeding, we think.

now i can take my sunday easy.
2 gifts down, 6 more to go.
i love Sea Jewels! so many neat stuff and didn't cost me an arm and a leg!
and Tribal Mountain Trade too, they have really neat stuff there!
i'll be going there again for another run during my last stay in London.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

continuing to do good!

hoping to get myself ready for the San Francisco Ballet audition in January.
that is, if i pass their resume screening.
well, regardless of being able to go or not, i'm going to devote these coming months to nothing but practising and exercising.
now that i have most of december available, it feels like i've got so much time on my hands.

already started working on the excerpts, some of them anyway.
there are some very unfamiliar ballet music that i'll have to research a bit at the library.
wonder if i could access the naxos collection at the library's computers. hmm. =\
that's for later, i guess, when i've got the notes under the fingers.
it feels so satisfying being able to figure out solutions to the problems i created. XD

gotta say thanks to the PM who sent me the audition info and excerpts.
they have the best audition package ever - with all excerpts with markings! even the chamber music piece is included!
the only thing that's not included is the own choice solo stuff.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


這幾晚都 2am 前睡, 果然體力好了點.
可是到了 11pm 就開始想睡了...
好幾晚都沒看過 Supernatural... it's piling up!
昨晚一次過看了 3 集, 爽!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


談的來的朋友, 身體有多不適都好, 每一秒都過的開心.
話不投機的朋友, 就算體魄健康, 每一秒都是煎熬.
今晚, 我很開心~
該是需要自律的時候, 控制一下放甚麼進肚子.

Friday, November 5, 2010

just not my week

here's an interesting story from yours truly.
after hearing from London that i'm out of a job, today i'm met with more movie-like omens.

took the Rav to do regular oil change.
first off, when i made the appointment last night, i fell into the trap of speaking to a weird ass receptionist.
somehow she talked me into using a much more expensive synthetic oil, which scientifically does nothing different than regular oil.
good thing i did a bit of wiki look-up this morning.

so i went in. saw the notes that she left for the crew at the dealership.
fortunately i was able to just told the crew right out that i didn't need the synthetic oil.
then fuck me. the drug high receptionist never bothered to ask if my snow tires were on rims or not. so she initially put in a regular install tires request, which could've cost me 4 times more.
if i never read the crew's screen, i would've been fucked in the wallet.
the crew's not so bright either, couldn't even find the job codes on her screen when it's right in front of her.
she also failed to give me the tag before i left. if i hadn't reminded her, i would have had no tag.

the only good thing that came from today was the shuttle to hillcrest, which i didn't have to wait for.
but i did spend $90 in RW alone. good deals though.

anyway, so when i'm back in the shop, paid my services and all...
i'm also supposed to get a brush for the wind shield. the coupon's only good if i used the service there. and guess what? they're out of brushes.
i mean, there were literally angry customers waiting for the damn thing.
after waiting 5 mins, i just had to leave.

then went to the bank and found out the current GIC interest is half of what my old GIC rate was.
what the hell?
still have to go with it. what other choice do i have? i can't take out my RRSP, nor store it in my other low interest accounts.
and i locked down a lot for the tax-free account too, which i've just opened.
i'll let my future self worry about that later.
at least i can just let it sit in the bank.

and here's the best part.
i was reloading all my change back into the car after the servicing.
and i dropped a few quarters into the hand brake box cavity.
i freaked and used a screw driver + sticky putty trying to lift one visible quarter out from a very very small opening.
of course not only that didn't work, i also dropped the screw driver into the cavity.
then when i try to pry open the box frame, i cracked a little bit of it.
that's when i realized i could use the hook from a hanger (a hooker in short, yes, i'm a genius).
finally go the screw driver out. but left the now disappeared coin in there somewhere.
i hope they won't cause any major screwing up on the mechanics.

fuck this.
i'm outta here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

lesser income, greater fun!

fuck.... 5th chair is back in London.
i'll be out of subbing in December...

but yay! that means vacation!!!
see if Bobo booked their Disney stuff yet.
i might wanna gooooooo~