Saturday, November 27, 2010


下午無聊看 blog, 才發現原來幾年前開始寫的故事已經 1 年多沒有更新.
然後更驚訝... 因為已經找不到故事大綱!
印象中的細節很模糊, 很多人物關係都忘記了.
不過還是很想寫下去... 可能下年 1 月再延續吧.

今晚的 Sinfonia 沒有預算中的差.
可能我的 EQ 高了, 忍受能力也提高了!
也可能昨晚睡多了, 所以腦袋比較清晰.
期待著明晚的 Rehearsal + Concert~ 很快就可以拿到工錢!!


  1. I was actually just talking with some coworkers at the store the other day about my half finished novel, and I've realized that by talking about it, not only I found that I didn't forget it, it's almost completed in my head. Now... just the writing part.

    You should finish that, cause I've read it twice now.

  2. it'll be finished... someday...
    i kind of remember the plot line, but it turns really bizarre in the end, so i'll need to think of another scheme.
