Wednesday, December 7, 2011

etsy project

looking at my last entry, i just realized i've been sick for the entire 2 weeks.
now i'm finally starting to work on the product photos.
so much to learn about lighting.
i'll have to make a diffuser for my flash, then build a light box out of cardboard boxes and white paper, go buy a nice long roll of white cloth or paper, and get some ultra strong white bulbs for my lamps.
so much diy...
but then my dad will also benefit from it since i'll have to redo all his products too.
so a light box is not wasted!

places to get supplies: Fabricland, Ambient, Michaels, Walmart.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

grey hair popping out because of other people's stupidity

gosh, i can't deal with this most stupid man who calls himself a DJ and entertainment consultant.
can't even get the hours straight and thinks we should charge $100 per hour.
the funniest thing is, he can't even remember the client's wedding date and had to ask me if i remember it.
what the fuck?
of course i don't remember it. i didn't even write it down since i thought it was just a demo run for a liason company.
isn't there something called a contract? is he retarded?
i don't mind to not work with him at all.

things i gotta do on monday:
1. deposit cheque
2. take product photos
3. open etsy seller account
4. sleep

Monday, November 14, 2011

new line of work

it feels great to have people praising my products, which is why i'm very into jewelry making nowadays.
i feel more appreciated as a designer than a musician.
we were talking on the car sunday on the way to hamilton about how abstract music making is.
u can't touch it, u can't see it, and it's the performer who gets the high more than the listener.
with jewelry, it's the total opposite.
maybe that's why i'm attracted to it. i need some sort of a balance.
well, aside from my obsessive personality to figure out how things work mechanically and recreate it from scratch.

so i better get off my butt and start that seller account on etsy!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


那厚顏無恥的中國男人竟然說有為青年的弦斷了, 叫我借琴給有為青年用.
在我用 ??? 的眼光推遲, 我用畢生最慢的速度去回答:
"而且, 弦斷了, 把以前的舊弦放上去就不會走音了. 這是誰都想得出來的辦法."
"不好意思, 我的 A 是 loop 的."

i'm a person of million excuses.
this is when i feel glad that i can block my sympathy at the right moment.
a job well done.

Monday, October 31, 2011


為甚麼那些中國男人那麼無恥沒膽, 要我做丑人而他躲在暗角腳翹翹?
還好我不會把其他關係弄糟, 反而令他當了最醜的丑人.
別小看了我, 我編的故事也不相佰仲。

Monday, October 24, 2011


今時今日這個時勢, 有第二條出路總比沒有的好.
那半條白髮變成了一條, 幾年前想的和現在想的也已經不同.
某些事和執著, 有的放棄有的忘記, 不算過份.
畢竟很多東西都不能帶進棺材, 兩腳伸直就煙消雲散.
呃... 那裡從 point a 走到 point c?
思路好像有點走亂了. XD

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

epic fail

first attempt at trying to load from a frozen hard drive = fail.
i'm now pretty sure the damaged partition is where all my stuff is store at.
will try another freezing attempt after the drive is cooled down.
i really don't want to redownload all those videos again.
first i have no quota left with the british site where i got my doctor who stuff, second i don't want to use BT on this new drive.

Monday, September 19, 2011

putting another hobby into business

i'm liking this jewelry making time.
kind of squeeze out what i have in mind and must find a best way to get my concept across.
sometimes they work, most of the time they don't.
my earrings making is a lot stronger than bracelet or necklace.
maybe i just don't have the materials yet?
i'm still trying to find cheaper ways to get raw materials.
chains and metal wires are expensive.
soon i'll open up an etsy account and start selling stuff there.
hopefully it'll be one of my many side businesses to keep my disintegrating wallet somewhat intact.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

a gemini's pain

just got my desktop back from the shop. the guy replaced two old rams with one new ram, still at 2G.
but i'm still getting freezes and occasional restarts, so eventually i'm gonna reinstall the os again.

i really need to learn to control my impulses, or the lack of patience.
there are so many things i want to do at once, want to make it happen right away, but they are all out of my control.
i did learn to enjoy the ride, rather than getting to the destination in the blink of an eye. of course, i'd much prefer a smoother ride than one that is unknown.
afterall, i do plan out my travels before i head out.
maybe that's my duality.
i am rational yet agitated.

time to arrange another piece...
that's the only time i can get some peace in my head... by really concentrating.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

things ahead

my computer curse is back.
the drive has been freezing on and off randomly since a couple weeks ago.
now whenever i start BT, it'll just freeze to death and reboot.
or it'll just randomly reboot whenever.
time to backup everything and get a new hard drive.
seriously considering a SSD like Wolf suggested. just store the main OS in there and everything else on another HD.

got so much to accomplish before i can go off to camping.
3 more arrangements for today, then get everything to the stand by trio tomorrow for subbing in friday's gig.
thursday's the last day in town, so i'll have to go service my car in the morning, then get all the food ready after that.
still haven't packed or find my tent yet. XD
it's gonna be an interesting trip.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


哦, 原來是這樣的感覺.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

movie dinner

今晚的晚飯電影是殭屍家族, 也就是殭屍先生 II.
很意外的是我們都笑得很厲害 XD
就是那很長的現場慢動作 scene. 雖然拖很久, 但是編排得很生動.
等了差不多半套戲林正英才出場, 到他出現時我們都很熱血沸騰!
80 年代的恐怖片真的做得不錯~

Monday, August 1, 2011

mid summer update

had a triple date on friday.
it was alright. the guy is a scorpio, just a few months younger than i.
i hope he's not a smoker...
started communicating on fb, which is always a good start for people who just met.

i'm spending less time on fb when i'm on the PC.
trying to stay away from RC. it's just way too time consuming.
maybe one day i'll be like Eric and stop playing RC completely. XD

it's been quite humid and boiling hot these days.
i'm turning into a dark chocolate.
maybe i should become a vegetarian again. at least the mosquitos will be less attracted to my blood.

after that strenuous gig last week and consuming a 1/4 watermelon, i had the M of my life.
felt more like a hemmohage, really.
i thought my irregular M is once every 2 months, but turned out to be twice in a month.
now THAT, is irregular.
but i still wanna have another seeded watermelon before the summer is over.
it's so damn hard to find a sugar baby these days.
time to visit H Mart again!

Monday, July 18, 2011

this person should not sing professionally

fuck 容祖兒 and her tone deaf so called singing.
i spent 1 hr trying to figure out what she was trying to do with a modulation in Forever Love.
this asshole has no sense of key.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


之前我們就是這樣看完了 "點解阿Sir係阿Sir". XD
Anyway, 可能看到土豆專貼了 "殭屍先生" 很久所以我就嚷著要看.
其實我們也蠻 enjoy~ 起碼沒有半途停了而是全套看完~
然後出 credit 尾部發覺原來這電影是 1985 年產品.
那就是 26 年前我 4 歲時的製成品!!

吃完飯後回房 check email 再心血來潮找了 "原振俠與衛斯理" 來看.
裡面有蠻多 R rated 的鏡頭以前在電視播出是看不到的.
其實最驚訝的是... 所有演員都是那麼年輕!
果然歲月催人 (T_T)

今晚這麼無聊是因為下午回家後就一直在後園清理雜草了 3 個多小時.

Monday, June 27, 2011

need some self control

after a long year of inactiveness, i took my bike out for a short ride tonight.
gosh, i'm so out of shape!
gotta lose those belly fat before my physical in early august, or else my doc will tell me i'm overweight.
last i weighted, i was heavier than Potato... who's 5'9" or so. hmm.
i guess late night snacking is now forbidden.

Friday, June 24, 2011

microwaving body parts

it's been a while since the last entry.
i'm posting an entry to note a very scary dream.
it was a long dream of mixed things, but the last thing i remember was waking up feeling a very sore brachioradialis muscle (the top of the forearm).
the context was that i was microwaving something at my hk apartment, and i wanted to take out the stuff so i just opened the microwave's door before the time's up.
in contrary to reality which is the automatic stop, the machine kept going and i felt waves of heat on my forearm.
funny how my torso didn't suffer any damages...?
and even funnier was me trying to press the stop button which is in close promixity to the microwaves... of course it didn't work and i woke up thinking about pulling the power cord.

maybe i played fatal frame 4 too long last night...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

in words


fed up.

screw it.

it comes to this point where i can only summerize what i'm thinking.
wow, i can't bs no more.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

back to normal life

woohoo! finally caught up to all Fringe episodes!
now i wait for it to resume in September.

i shall start catching up on True Blood next ;)

still deciding if i should do that 3rd chair tso audition.
they did accept my application, but i'm doubtful i'll get into second round.
well, i still have half a month to think before the deposit deadline closes.

now i go sleep...
gotta head to London at 6:30am to avoid traffic.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


a thought came to me after watching Conan O'Brien's interview at Inside the Actor's Studio, that a career is just like riding an elevator not knowing which floor you'll end up at.
while you're at the bottom or at the start, someone can occupy the elevator up there and not go down to let you go on.
but sometimes you encounter very nice people who would hold the doors and wait for you to enter, while you're frantically try to run to it 10 meters away.
if you're lucky, your ride up will be smooth without any stops in between.
or you could be unlucky, having to stop very often for others.
or even worse, you could have super bad luck being mugged, robbed, and hurt by someone in the elevator.
and at the worst case scenario, the elevator cable snaps, both the elevator booth and you fall to a certain death.
of course, it'd be nice if you can ride it all the way to the top and enjoy your scenery there.
afterall, that's what all of us secretly wanted from the bottom of the heart.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

next goal

Chicago & Toronto

Monday, March 21, 2011

let's keep praying for Earth!

i'm just curious...
where did all that polluted nuclear rods cooling sea water went...?
we see them spraying it into the reactors, but where did it go??!

looking to plan for my next complete adventure.
so far my target is the atlantic maritimes.
at least i'll be far enough from asia, close enough from home, and my gps would have all the streets that my feet land on.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

cutting short

don't think i'll need to write much about the recent happenings.
just want to say one thing though... that i'm more confirmed about certain things in life.
time to go do stuff at HOME!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


在電腦前呆了好幾個小時, 可以算是有點收穫.
找到了日本的 GPS map, 也把它傳到 SD card, 可以在我那陳舊的 Garmin 上使用.
可是小街道都沒有名字, 只有大街才有. 現在努力找解決方法.
可能要用英文版... 唉...

幾天都沒早睡, 現在很疲憊.
M 是晚了. 活該! (>_<|||)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


太好了! 終於 confirm 了京都過夜的地方!
是一個超酷的 designer capsule hotel, 可是分男女和超 modern.
它叫 Nine Hours Hotel (9H).
一定要去看看它的網頁 - 是那種你看了就想住進去的感覺:
我分散投資式的發信 reserve, 最後只有 2 間青年宿舍有床鋪.
不過我已經 book & confirm 了 9H.
換來是比較自由一點, 不過地點離 JR 站有點遠.

再把所有的 JR 站內地圖背好, 和模擬轉車路線.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

完成 2/3... 來得不易!

實在太好了! 差不多鎖定好要去的幾個城市. 而且只差一個青年宿舍(京都)還沒有預定.
始終還是去比較多外國人去的地方, 因為不懂日語真的不太方便.
多倫多 -> 東京 -> 北海道 -> 東京 -> 靜岡 -> 浜松 -> 名古屋 -> 伊賀 -> 奈良 -> 大阪 -> 廣島 -> 宮島 -> 福岡 -> 京都 -> 東京 -> 多倫多
總 20 天 (在飛機上沒有了 2 天, 總計 22 天)

JR Pass 在前幾天終於買了 voucher. 敗了 $533.
也好, 起碼不用給跑去 downtown 浪費油費和泊車費.
可是下星期還是要開到 downtown 跑一趟, 因為要做電子器材 custom card 的手續.

今天到了 Henry's 買了個可以繫於腰間的相機包包, 盛惠 $45.
這個比我 Golla 那個較容易處理. 起碼它小, 可以放在手提行李內 (就是我的 backpack).
其實我還沒有(長途用) backpack 的. 過幾天要去爸那兒看那個 75 litres 的夠不夠用.
如果 ok, 我就省下 $200! 如果不行, 就要敗給 MEC.

嗯... 還有一大堆地圖甚麼的要覆印.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Day 1 離開東京先到靜岡探望小丸子館, 然後去浜松的樂器博物館 + 吃八百德的鰻魚飯.
構思了整天, 還是要到名古屋過一晚, 不過真的是過夜而已.
Day 2 晨早乘 JR 去伊賀忍者村, 那天會在片岡溫泉旅館過夜.
之後完全不去京都, 直接去大阪.
Day 3-5 用在大阪城, 章魚燒老店, 黑門市場, 河豚料理, 海遊館, 即食麵發明紀念館, 和賣廚房用具店.
Day 6 大阪應該是集中點, 因為去鳴門漩渦要在那兒上下車. 鳴門漩渦是一定要去的啦! XD
不過如果去和歌山就很難對時間 - 始終渡輪太費時了, 所以被坎掉.
可惜, 可惜...
Day 7 是廣島 1 天遊, 然後直接乘 JR 返東京.

如果 18 號出發, 25 號應該回到東京.
其實如果真的想去和歌山, 可以在 25 號從廣島到大阪再轉到白浜.
那過 2 天的最老溫泉 + 戶外攝影之旅再回到大阪轉回東京.
這樣最晚也是 29 號回到東京, 還有 2 天可以遊東京~!
到時候, 櫻花也應該開了吧!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


本來毫無頭緒不知道怎樣去計畫這個日本之旅, 因為實在太多很有趣又想去的地方.
這幾天慢慢的鎖定了幾個必要點, 而且都是比較懷舊的主題.
我想我真的老了, 開始想要找回年少時的會回憶...
現在定了大阪的點, 今晚還找到蠟筆小新的劇場! 原來真的有埼玉縣春日部這個地方...! XD
當然少不了櫻桃小丸子 land! 還好它在靜岡, 那我就可以順便幫 Nat 買地道的綠茶了.
既然在靜岡會停, 那我就不如也去浜松回顧一下以前 UHS band trip 去過的地方... 如果我記得的話.
接著下來要找和歌山的點, 和承接德島的渡輪, 然後去鳴門漩渦.
我想不去名古屋了, 除了名古屋城之外根本沒有特別的地方.
還沒有看過京都的點... 不過蠻有興趣去宇治試一下茶禮.

還需要計算車程呢! 我連 pass 都還沒有買!!
不過多謝 Piggie 半推半就, 神推鬼拱, 貨如輪轉的幫我們定了北海道的團!
不然現在還在商量怎樣用最少錢去北邊... XD

好... 累了... 昨晚弄到 7 點 (am) 才睡...
今晚早退, 明天再接再厲! (=^o^=)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


從小就很希望有個哥哥, 所以跟很多男性朋友結義乾兄妹.
那我就自己變成哥哥, 好好的保護自己.
起碼, 我不會離開自己, 不會忘了對自己的承諾.
謝謝您, 哥哥.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

an update

tuesday i was asked very last minute to sub in for Owen Sound (Georgian Bay Symphony) to lead a wednesday rehearsal.
i'm glad i did!
managed to sneak in 1 hour before dinner/rehearsal to visit Inglis Falls.
it's such a beautiful place!
kind of scary though, 'cause i'm all by myself and couldn't see a damn thing in the dark.
kept thinking i'd drop my phone while taking pictures of the running waters at the top of the falls, on a wobbly laced bridge...
starting to talk about planning a winter day trip there to hike.
that'll be my first time winter hiking! so excited!
hope it'll happen between feb 12 and march 8.
after i come back from Japan, it'll be april already and earth might start to defrost.

exchanged some yen for Japan last week.
can't believe the bank (Scotia) was able to give me the money overnight, that was pretty impressive.
compared to my mum's bank (CIBC), they didn't even notifying her when the money was in the bank, and went ahead to cancel the order without her consent.
don't ever bank with CIBC. such horrible services.
i had an account there when i was in Montreal, just because it was close by - which didn't help, 'cause it turned into a BMO after a year. i had such a hardship closing the account in Ontario 'cause they said i need to do it at the original branch... which died.
very smart logistics, CIBC, very smart...

i'm so ready for the auditions!
bring it on!!!!!

ok, not really... i need a few more days to practise still...

Monday, January 17, 2011


在重溫完包青天的紫金錘和其他幾個單元, 無意中選看尋親記.
原來也有宋達民的份兒. 還有焦恩俊!!
想當年七俠五義裡焦恩俊的展昭, 與包青天裡何家勁的不相伯仲.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


無意中從 fb 的 limited access 發現小時候暗戀的大哥哥已經結婚了.
不是我還對他有意思, 其實長大了就不覺得喜歡他了...
這是好事, 還是壞事?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

the near future

flight booked, hostel booked.
the return flight feels a bit tight to me...
11:30am is the supposed end time of the audition, and 4:30pm is take off.
hope things will run smooth with Japanese organizers.
now i just need New World to tell me when the hell is my audition time on the 11th.

feeling so couch potato lately.
maybe it's my current procrastination mode.
really should start planning for Japan too, since it's just 2 months away now.
maybe i'll do that right after my auditions.
should have time to book stuff.. i hope..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

new target

every year i set losing fat as a resolution.
this year i'm saving my sole resolution to getting a job.
i think it's more doable.

just found a problem with the wiimote's induction charger.
the battery pack seems to be acting up, so i switched the packs around. that seems to temporarily fixed the problem.
worse comes to worst, i can try to find my receipt and hopefully it'll be replaceable. if not, i'd have to buy a replacement rechargeable battery.
still, it's better than buying an entirely new charging unit and all, which costs double the amount of the replacement battery.

aggressive mode on!
my pinky seems to be better, so i'll be resuming practising this week.
i'll need to get my concerto to shape by the end of the month. 'cause i know by the first day of February, i won't have any time to cram at all.
i really want to get that Hyogo job!!

i've been thinking what should i do with the Margaritas if i do get a job in another country.
looks like i'll need to keep running the website, since it's attached to my dad's account. there are some modifications i've been wanting to make too.
but i'll keep the admin logins to myself, since it can access my dad's account at the same time.
email is the one thing i'm reluctant to keep. i just can't meet clients when i'm not physically there!
lots of logistics to plan.
still, i'd want to change the scenery once a while.
gotta work aboard while i still have the chance!