Monday, August 1, 2011

mid summer update

had a triple date on friday.
it was alright. the guy is a scorpio, just a few months younger than i.
i hope he's not a smoker...
started communicating on fb, which is always a good start for people who just met.

i'm spending less time on fb when i'm on the PC.
trying to stay away from RC. it's just way too time consuming.
maybe one day i'll be like Eric and stop playing RC completely. XD

it's been quite humid and boiling hot these days.
i'm turning into a dark chocolate.
maybe i should become a vegetarian again. at least the mosquitos will be less attracted to my blood.

after that strenuous gig last week and consuming a 1/4 watermelon, i had the M of my life.
felt more like a hemmohage, really.
i thought my irregular M is once every 2 months, but turned out to be twice in a month.
now THAT, is irregular.
but i still wanna have another seeded watermelon before the summer is over.
it's so damn hard to find a sugar baby these days.
time to visit H Mart again!


  1. I'm sorry, when I see the hemorrhage comment I just laughed so hard and fell off my bed...

  2. i know u'll like that XD
    but really... don't eat a watermelon before M (@_@)
