Friday, August 14, 2009


glad that we can work something out with the camping situation!
looks like i'll be driving up with either George or Amy with the rest of the non-essential stuff (coolers and something big) while the others head up first to set up tents.
darn, that means i'll be missing half a day of activities already!
but that's ok, at least i'll grab a full dinner instead of possibly cooking there.

this week is loaded with lots of stuff to do.
well, this week and next. there're 2 important weddings next weekend, so i'll need to gather the music now and arrange for a rehearsal.
both brides are music majors, so i'm expecting more business from them.

one of my viola students is doing her exam next week.
still missing one piano music, but hopefully they'll manage with an extra rehearsal sometime before this week ends.
my gr. 8 violin student just settled down in her new place, so she'll have to postpone her exam to the winter session. so glad that she didn't apply for the summer exam yet, i wouldn't want her mum to waste money.

i'm about 1/4 way through the 3rd movement of Holbrooke.
gosh, can't wait to get this pile of handwritten shit out of my hands.
not only the 2 versions of parts don't match markings, they also don't quite match the score as well.
i think the copy i'm working on right now will be the first computerized version.
i get a serious headache and dizziness every time i worked on it over 3 hours.
i'll have to continue this throughout the week, hopefully get it done by the end of august.
really don't feel like dragging on any longer, it's just not right. i'm known as a fast copyist!

just printed out 2 $10 certificates from bestbuy.
i'm totally gonna use them to get my new Simpsons series 12th.
the earliest to expire is in october, so i guess i can just buy it the day it comes out?
the price isn't going down until half a year later. o well....
i'll think about that later.
time to snooze.

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