finally got the arrangement done for this sunday's wedding.
now i'm arrangement free for the week!
can start working on Ms. Kuzemenko's piece.
hers is more urgent, and it's also much shorter and simpler.
gosh, i truly appreciate hand written music that i can actually read!
i drafted a response to that new orchestra's "appointment".
basically i'm say: not gonna take it if i'm not getting paid, fuck you for not offering me the principal seat.
got a load of stuff to do before i can take a few days off in september to camping and enjoy the great ontario outdoors before it turns into ice.
looking back, i'm finding myself more productive this year.
although i'm still uncertain of where my career is heading in the coming year.
but it's ok, i'm going through it. it's just like back to 2005 when i got out of school.
well, except now i'm 4 years older, and a whole lot wiser. =)
yay, get to sleep by 2am!
sweet dreams!
duckie so busy! ^________^