Monday, August 24, 2009


finally watched Planet of the Dead, the first of David Tennant's last 4 episodes in Doctor Who. really cool stuff for this one, very nicely done!
can't believe they actually foreshadowed the Doctor's "death" in this episode!
i really don't like the face of the 11th Doctor... he looks, well, weird.
how i wish David could've stayed for a while!!
o well.

got the entire day to myself tomorrow.
first thing is a balanced breakfast, then going to the gym.
haven't been to the gym for the past 2 weeks, so another $27 wasted. i was soooo busy!
then i'll be finishing up Ms. Kuzmenko's copy work. hopefully resuming Holbrooke.
nothing beats the fulfilment of finally finishing something.

hope it'll be an easy transition for my new diet.
my wheatgrass is totally dead, so i'll need to get the new ones replanted.
then when i resume the wheatgrass routine, i'll be on the ideal diet.

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